MICRALOX®: Another Breakthrough Process From Sanford Process Corporation
Located in Woonsocket, RI, the Sanford Process Corporation has been producing innovative solutions for metal finishing since the early 1960s. Today, it is recognized worldwide for its low voltage AC/DC aluminum hard coat rectification technology.
In 2011, the Sanford Process Corporation began licensing MICRALOX, a patent pending aluminum oxide coating with a micro-crystalline barrier that has revolutionized aluminum anodizing. It is now the fastest growing new aluminum anodizing technology in over a generation and has been adopted by the majority of the global medical OEMs due to its exceptional performance.
MICRALOX produces a long lasting, virtually indestructible surface that delivers dramatically superior chemical corrosion resistance, eliminates color fading due to super-heated steam, and is an excellent alternative to stainless steel, plastic, and other materials.
Sister Chemistries
Since the inception of the original MICRALOX, Precision Coating has introduced two sister chemistries to the MICRALOX family: MICRALOX® Ultra and MICRALOX® Lumina.
When maximum performance for strong alkaline cleaning is critical to quality, MICRALOX® Ultra provides 50X the chemical resistance compared to decorative Type II anodizing. Aluminum parts coated with MICRALOX Ultra can withstand high-pH cleaning and sterilization protocols commonly used in European markets. MICRALOX Ultra coated parts can also withstand many other aggressive environments that would otherwise strip conventional anodic coatings and subject the parts to extensive corrosion.
As with all MICRALOX coatings, MICRALOX Ultra can receive embedded Sanford Print for crisp, permanent markings that do not delaminate, fade, or chip. This combination of best-in-class chemical- and corrosion-resistant coating and non-destructive markings provides the maximum protection for medical instruments for superior in-field performance.
For more information on MICRALOX Ultra performance, download this coating datasheet.
The clear, translucent oxide of MICRALOX® Lumina provides a perfect balance of breakthrough chemical resistance and design flexibility for medical device applications. Whether left natural, or dyed one of nine vivid colors, MICRALOX Lumina coatings achieves 16X the resistance in a hot alkaline strip test compared to Type II decorative anodizing. Unlike conventional anodizing and hard coat, the partially crystalline anodic coatings of MICRALOX Lumina hold up over a life-time of regular cleaning and sterilization without fading, chalking, or corroding.
As with all MICRALOX coatings, MICRALOX Lumina can receive embedded Sanford Print for crisp, permanent markings that do not delaminate, fade, or chip. This combination of superior chemical- and corrosion-resistant coating and non-destructive markings provides assurance for a full life-time of stringent cleaning and sterilization, as required of all medical devices.
For more information on MICRALOX Lumina performance, download this coating datasheet.
Further information on the Sanford Process Corporation can be found at the company’s website, www.sanfordprocess.com. The Sanford Process Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Precision Coating Company, Inc. Precision Coating provides high-tolerance coating and specialized metal-finishing services to the medtech industry for applications including vascular, endosurgical, and orthopedic instruments and devices—offering flexible prototype work through high-volume coating application, finishing, and printing services. More information on Precision Coating can be found at www.precisioncoating.com.